Friday, October 29, 2010

I Love Candles!!!

I love candles. I am a candle addict. I belong in Candle Lover's Anonymous.

Admitting it is the first step to recovery, right?

Scratch that. I don't want to recover! :) I have candles burning daily -- they help energize me, relax me and just plain smell nice!

Now, I know this isn't a beauty review, but that's ok by me. Feel free to skip over this post if you'd rather read about beauty products.

My latest favorite is Febreze's Pumpkin Harvest & Fall. My nose mostly picks up a creamy, vanilla, pumpkin scent. There is just enough cinnamon and spice in here to keep the cloying nature of desserts away. While I adore eating dessert, I do not want to smell it all day long (the exception here is apple pie). It just makes me hungry, and then gives me a stomachache. It's the same thing with body lotion and perfume -- I just do not like smelling like a bakery!!! (I suffer from migraines, and overly sweet scents just seem to trigger them. Strangely, actual desserts baking don't usually bother me.)

That being said, this scent is the perfect balance of "outdoor pumpkin patch," pumpkin pie, and spice. It's not too sweet, and it's not too "outdoorsy" (for those who love those bakery scents). I love outdoorsy, homey, comforting scents, and this candle captures all of that. Plus, it has that nifty Febreze core that absorbs yucky odors while emitting a yummy punkin scent. Double plus, my fiance loves this too! He wasn't such a fan of the last candle I had burning (it was a Jasmine and Bamboo, Cotton Blossom, and Hinoki Bonsai tiered candle I got at Kohl's, and I loved it).

I'm dying to try some candles by Candles by Victoria. Right now, I can't afford to buy any more candles and am resorting to burning my way through my stash. But as soon as this broke college girl lands a job, she's buying herself the $45.00 9 oz. sampler!!! I've heard so many wonderful things on YouTube about Victoria (and her candles), so I really can't wait to try. Maybe I'll compile a wish list and slip it to my fiance! :) Did you know that Victoria currently carries 600 fragrances? 600!!! That's pretty bangin', if I do say so myself.

My next blog post will be a review on the Sea Pure line of H2O Plus -- keep an eye out for the review. There will be a surprise in there for my readers!

Thanks for reading, and I'll type to you soon!


*I purchased all of the products mentioned -- I will be sure to clearly state when I receive something free for review purposes.*

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